Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I spent an hour and a half reclining in a chair with my mouth wide open at 9 A.M. this morning. Mornings are hard enough to face without having this prospect looming as the day barely dawns on you.
When the dentists decided a couple of years ago to build a new office they did so in grand style sparing little in the way of quality and visual pleasantness and obviously the latest in dental technologies. Before I even entered the first time I thought it was a bit pretentious for the size of our little city. On first glance it looks like a two story building with huge front windows facing south, quite awesome but I think it is like the false front on stores in old western movies.
Today as I was waiting in the room usually named as such, I noticed that the metal chairs had the Apple logo on them. Now if that isn't pretentious enough the glass doors to the torture chambers also sported the apple with a bite taken out of it.
I dare say that their expenses could have had a bite taken out of their bottom line by buying cheaper comfortable chairs. Or cosy slippers instead of paper ones which afford little protection from the cold slate floors. Or automatic doors for some who almost can't get into some buildings without them. I guess you have to cut corners somewhere. I'm just sayin'
You've heard it said "If you got it, flaunt it." I don't subscribe to that thinking, but that's just me.

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