BTW the cause of the 2nd pwr prob was the timer. Now why that's interesting is that when the fire inspector made his annual inspection he asked me why there were no lights in the hallway.........I told him Xxxx has it on a timer. He said "Oh that's against fire regulations and will inform the fire marshall and he will be sent a notice."........obviously either Xxxx can't read or he didn't get it yet.....oh well it's only been 3 months since inspection.
Here's a tip on a flashlight a rechargeable that is always plugged in and that will come on when the power goes off. It could save you a fall down the stairs or at the least some banged up shins. Try Canadian Tire I saw one recently advertised that was nice and compact and reasonably priced. No more battery worries.
We are working on our 4th major snow storm of the MONTH!!!!
BBFN and put another log on the fire!!!
Snowed under
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